Source code for stackypy.detect

from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu,gaussian
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.measure import label,regionprops

def get_detection(img,blur_size=2):
    # Apply otsu filtering to the image:
    img = gaussian(img,blur_size)
    flt = threshold_otsu(img)
    otsu = img >= flt
    if not otsu[otsu.shape[0]//2,otsu.shape[1]//2]: return None
    # Label regions:
    label_image,nlabel = label(otsu,return_num=True)
    # Find the label at the center, clear regions with other labels.
    center_label = label_image[label_image.shape[0]//2,label_image.shape[1]//2]
    label_image[label_image!=center_label] = -1
    label_image[label_image==center_label] = 1
    return label_image

[docs]def detect_object(img,blur_size=2): """ Extracts information of the object detected at the center of the image. Objects are detected applying a threshold, the one at the center is picked, approximating it as a (possibily rotated) ellipse. Args: img : numpy.ndarray Astronomical data cube. blur_size: int Size of the gaussian filter applied to the image to detect the objects. Returns: properties : tuple or None Tuple with properties of the object found at the center of the image (*centroid_x*,*centroid_y*,*angle*,*major_ratio*,*minor_ratio*). None when no object was found at the center. detection_mask: Image labeled with the detected objects, may be used for debug. """ label_image = get_detection(img,blur_size) if label_image is None: return (None,label_image) # # Find the properties of the center region: props = regionprops(label_image) cent_x = props[0].centroid[1] cent_y = props[0].centroid[0] angle = props[0].orientation ma_axis = props[0].major_axis_length mi_axis = props[0].minor_axis_length return ((cent_x,cent_y,angle,ma_axis,mi_axis),label_image)